Hoe and Garden Pictures
Are you here to see my Hoe Collection? If so click on "Hoe Collection" on the side bar and you will see all the hoes! If you want to go to my main gardening blog, click on May Dreams Gardens. Leave a comment to let me know how you heard about all my hoes.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
This Blog is Not Dead, It's Where I Keep My Hoe Collection

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Pretty Moth

I checked a little bit ago and the moth is gone now. Perhaps it revived itself and flew away, or maybe a bird ate it this morning.
I think it is a type of sphynx moth, but don't know much more than that about it. Update 07/26/2006 - Thanks to Annie in Austin for sending a comment... this is most likely a male Giant Imperial Moth. Here's a site that help you identify insects: What's That Bug and here's a site to see the caterpiller that turns into this lovely moth.
I enjoyed seeing it and wish now that if it had truly died, that I would have saved it to show my niece and nephews who love bugs and spiders. Once at a family birthday party, someone commented about the big spider on the steps by the front door, and those three went running out to take a look at it. They nearly trambled one another to get to it. A lot of kids would have recoiled at the thought of a spider, and probably hours later would have refused to leave by those steps. I don't know how my sister and brother-in-law are doing it, but they are raising three kids who aren't afraid of bugs (or spiders, though they do tend to run when they see a giant wolf spider, but who wouldn't? Don't click that spider link if you don't like to see pictures of spiders!! You have been warned!)
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Unidentified Fungus Among Us

My sister begged me to post this picture of some fungus she has growing next to a tree stump (old sugar maple) in her back yard. It looks like a pile of dog doo, but it is fungus that keeps growing.
We have no idea what it is. Does anyone have any ideas? I told her to just knock it off the stump and bury it, and she said she didn't want to, just in case it turned out to be some new species of fungus. Wonder where she got the idea that you could find new plant species in your own back yard?
Anyway, lest you think her backyard is just a haven for disgusting looking fungi, here's a picture of some yarrow flowers she has blooming now. She has a lot of flowers growing in her back and side yards, basically wherever she has sun. I'll post a complete expose' on her garden on my regular garden blog someday soon.

Saturday, June 10, 2006
The Entire Hoe Collection!

American Standard - An Old Standby

Pointed American Hoe – Red, White and Blue

Plow Hoe, From Poland

The Winged Weeder – A Super Hero Hoe!

Grub Hoe, When You Need a Hardworking Hoe!

Collinear Hoe – Sharp!

Putter Hoe, But Not For Golf

Gooseneck Hoe Coming After You

Push Hoe – When You Are Tired of Pulling

Half Moon Hoe on a Foggy Morning

Rogue Hoe Dog - Sharp, with a nose for weeds!

Scuffle Hoe - For the indecisive - do you push it or pull it?

The Garden Hoe - A Gardener's Best Friend, and A Weed's Greatest Foe

Three Old Hoes

Stirrup Hoe - Cuts down weeds like a true champ!

A Ro-Ho Gardener, a unique hoeing machine!

A good American hoe, well-used, but still very useful.

The Cobrahead, no weed is safe from it's quick strike.

The Circlehoe, runs circles around weeds.

An old Asian hoe, reminds us of the timelessness of gardening and gardening tools.

The Deck Digger, because even decks need to be hoed on occasion.

This old grub hoe has a secret past!

The hoe●dag®. As handy a hoe as I've ever used. It digs, dugs, dags, and I love it!
The Fork Hoe, perfect for moving mulch and cultivating the hard-packed soil!
The Corona® Garden Hoe. Red-handled, professional quality, a good hoe for any garden.
The DeWit Pull Spork Hoe from Garden Tool Co. When you can't decide "fork" or "hoe", you can't go wrong with a spork hoe!
The Rake 'n Hoe. It's a hoe... and a rake!
The Corona oscillating hoe. It works on the push and the pull so you can weed twice as fast.
From time to time, I get a few questions about my hoes, and a request or two to show them all in one post rather than in individual posts. Well, here you go, for all to see, my "hoe collection" on display.
Does anyone have a favorite hoe that isn't like one in my collection? If so, let me know, I'd love to hear about it!
Yes, I've got a few hoes on my "want" list, like any good collector who has a collection.
Yes, these are mostly working hoes. I do use them, some more than others.
Oh, and how did I get the hoes posed like they are? I used a "MacGregor Tool Butler" of course!
(This post last updated May 16, 2009, with my newest hoe and a few links to sources.)
Happy Hoeing, Everyone!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Variegated Phlox

I like variegated leaves, so naturally, I purchased Phlox paniculata "Creme de Menthe". However, sometimes variegated leaf plants send up shoots that aren't variegated. I need to get aggressive and cut out the green shoots and give the variegated side a chance to grow or soon I won't have a variegated phlox at all! The blooms are pink and white.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Lost Label - Sundrops?

I've lost the label for this plant, but I think it is a variety of sundrops, Oenothera, perhaps the species is fruticosa. The flowers are nice and bright and open all day long. The foliage is slightly variegated or mottled with gold.
Or, who knows, this could be something else completely. Like I said, I've lost the tag.
I do know this self sows a bit, but with some hoeing up in the spring, I can contain it to more or less this one clump, so I wouldn't be afraid to share a start of it with others.
If someone recognizes this as something else, please comment!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Japanese Tree Lilac

I once again have lilacs blooming. My Japanese Tree Lilac (Syringa reticulate 'Ivory Silk') is just beginning to bloom. It doesn't smell quite as heavily as some other lilacs, but if you get up close and smell the flowers, you can definitely tell they are lilacs.
I think this is a good small tree for the garden, and not planted nearly as much as it should be. This tree should only grow 15 - 20 feet tall and 10 -15 feet wide. Fall color isn't the showiest, but that's okay because I like the bloom, which occurs after most of the other spring flowering trees like pear trees, crabapples, and redbuds have finished blooming. The only other tree I can think of that is also blooming right now are the catalpas.
By having several varieties of lilacs, I now have lilacs blooming from late April through early June, with just a week or so at the end of May without a lilac in bloom. I just need to find a variety to fill that one week gap and I'll have almost 6 weeks with at least one species or another of lilac blooming! See this previous post for more info on lilacs.